Rubric:  Miniature dwelling project



0—Does not meet requirements at all

1—Meets some of the requirements some of the time

2—Meets most of the requirements most of the time

3—Outstanding; meets all requirements all of the time.


Model unfinished.

Model finished, but interior is sparse (less than 8 items).

Model finished, adequate furnishings included (8 or more items).

Model finished, neatly and creatively furnished with 8 or more items.


Labels are either missing or incorrect.

Labels are mostly correct, with only minor errors.

Labels are correct.   

Labels are neat and correct.



0—Does not meet requirements at all

1—Meets some of the requirements some of the time

2—Meets most of the requirements most of the time

3—Outstanding; meets all requirements all of the time.


Unit vocabulary is not used at all.

Limited unit vocabulary is used correctly some of the time.

Unit vocabulary is used correctly most of the time.

Unit vocabulary is used correctly all of the time, with attempts to use advanced vocabulary and constructions.


Does not use the studied grammar, or does not use it correctly at all.

Uses studied grammar correctly some of the time.

Uses studied grammar correctly most of the time.

Uses studied grammar correctly all of the time, with attempts to use advanced grammar formations.


Serious pronunciation problems; incoherent.

Several pronunciation errors, impede comprehension sometimes.

Minor pronunciation errors; comprehensible most of the time.

No errors.